Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's Almost May

I have returned from a trip to North Dakota. While I was there, I met my new nephew, Caeden. I know it is not possible to tell you on this blog how much I adore him. His lil' face and his lil' hands and all that is lil' about him are so sweet. He is six weeks old and I am counting the days until I am able to see him again.

While I was in ND, I had several family tell me that they noticed that I have not been updating the blog. It's true. April was a crazy month for me. Excuses, right? My trip to North Dakota came at the perfect time for me. It was right after parent-teacher conferences and a bunch of other stuff that is too boring to mention. However, I hope to be back to normal blogging schedule.

I have 24 days left of kindergarten. It doesn't matter that I love my job and enjoy every day, I still count the days because I can't help but look forward to the summer. Most people already know this, but we are spending two months in Iowa this summer. Tim is working on a research project and I will be...well...well...I have no idea, but I know it will be relaxing.

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