Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Scammed at Starbucks

I have been accused of being naive before, but it was affirmed in midtown Manhattan on Sunday afternoon.

I was standing next to a man waiting for my drink at a Starbucks. When the woman barista asked him what he ordered, he replied with "Venti Caramel Machiatto".

In my mind, I thought, "ME TOO!"

So, the first Caramel Machiatto came up and he took it because he was there before I was. Then, a man barista asked me what I ordered. I told him and the barista said, "That guy just took your drink."

What? I realized in a half second that I was scammed. Or...Starbucks was scammed. Guys stand around and listen to orders and then belly up to the pick up counter and take other people's drinks. The barista stood there and I had a feeling like he was not going to make my drink so I had to explain to him that it is possible for people to order the same drink so it is not my responsibility to keep track of who ordered what. He made me another drink and I knew he would. It's Starbucks.

However, what is wrong with people? It's not like it was food. Maybe I would be more understanding if it was food and the person was starving, but it was coffee and a frilly girl drink at that.


Carm said...

That's incredible. Sheesh.

Sara Hondl said...

I always thought that it would be easy for someone to do that in a busy coffee shop, but I never thought someone would actually do it.

A Tribute to Life: Redux said...

It's all about the city scamming. I've never been more amazed by people (non-needy) waiting for the opportunity to pounce on opportunities like these until I arrived in NYC. Totally crazy.

Wes said...

Free Starbucks! Sweet! I'm gonna try that!

patrick | steed said...

You shoulda Judo-CHOPped him. That would have been awesome.

Anna said...

I hate Penn Station. Have I mentioned that before?

Anonymous said...

Were you at the Starbucks in the Broadway District of Manhattan? Right near the Wicked Theatre....I've seen that happen there before thankfully not to me though!


Anonymous said...

I'm totally naive - never in a million years would've thought someone would do that. But then again, I live in MN ;-)


shelly said...

that's like my favorite thing i've heard today. it's freakin brilliant and i totally wanna do it. just so i can blog about it.

Daddy said...

I'm actually kinda shocked that doesn't happen in Philadelphia all the time.