Thursday, February 23, 2006

S'more Memories

Is it cliche to say "It's the little things in life"? If it is, I don't care. I truly believe that little things are awesome!

For example, s'mores have this ability to make a simple afternoon into a sweet memory. I can say to my friend Reddog, "Remember when we went to that cafe and had s'mores?" I'll file that right next to countless memories that I have with Reddog and Amanda...

Remember when we...

...went to Gastov's and drank that boot of beer?
...drank Birch Beer and had cheesesteaks at Jim's Steaks?
...went to that awesome Tina Turner concert?
...when we dressed up in old bridesmaid dresses for Chrissy's party?
...went to Happy Joe's for some delicious canadian bacon's special because it is diced.
...when you almost got into a fight with that DJ at The Sportsman because you were so mad there wasn't karaoke?
...when you came to my going away party and became the special guest star of the evening?
...when we hung out the second night of college when my roommate stayed out all night?
...when we went to Hickory Park and ate those huge sundaes?

True...a lot of our memories have to do with food. That is what makes them sweet.


Me said...

Just curious, how did you make Smores without a campfire?

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome memories. We rule.
