Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Today I am 28 Years Old

Things to think about on my 28th birthday...

  • Life is not supposed to be some prescribed way of being. Life happens to you and you happen to other's lives. Just because the society tries to make people believe that first comes college, then job, then marriage, then house, then soccer van, then dance recitals, then retirement; doesn't mean you have to do it that way.
  • I should read more and watch less television. I will begin my reading log today to figure how many books I can read in a year.
  • I teach now, but who knows what occupational adventures lay ahead of me.
  • When is it time to settle down? What does settle down mean? If it means marriage, I am settled. If it means a steady job, I am settled. If it means more than that, I am not settled.
  • I couldn't be happier than I am right now. I have it made.

Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Eyes for Lies said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you, Sara!!! Wow, 28 - that's a great time. The next decade is going to FLY by on you so enjoy it!!