Saturday, April 07, 2007

Ghost Stories

This is me on the Philadelphia Ghost Tour. Since I don't really believe in ghosts and such, I thought I had to act the part if I wasn't going to offend the believers on this tour.

Even though I am not a believer in the paranormal, it was a fantastic event. The story teller brought a group of 12 or so around the historic streets in Philadelphia. She wore a black, flowing cape and carried a candle lantern. She told stories of old homes, buildings, and cemeteries in Philadelphia.

The most interesting ghost story detailed the history of Washington Square which is a block from Independence Hall. It was once a potter's field where over 2,000 bodies are buried from a variety of social and medical epidemics that occurred in the city. In 1793, Yellow Fever raged in Philadelphia and many bodies were buried in this square that is also where the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary Soldier lies. Caretakers would sell the bodies of the victims of Yellow Fever to medical students.

However, there was a Quaker woman who felt these acts were immoral and made her thoughts known. She continues to make her thoughts known by haunting Washington Square in the early mornings where she has been seen digging at the ground trying to save the bodies from the grave sellers.

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