Saturday, March 11, 2006

8 Simple Truths

Truth #1
There is only one day in the purchase of a bunch of bananas when the bananas are perfectly ripe. The banana is yellow with only a few brown marks of ripeness.

Truth #2
Just because everyone else seems to think Radiohead is the greatest band from the last 15 years doesn't mean that I have to believe this.

Truth #3
No matter how long you have known a friend and how well you know this friend, she/he will surprise you.

Truth #4
No matter how lone you have known a friend and how well you know this friend, she/he will disappoint you.

Truth #5
The minute you realize that you need a haircut, it is the moment you also realize that you have no time for a haircut for at least one week, leaving you with a horrid head of hair.

Truth #6
Just because everyone else seems to think Barry Manilow is far from the greatest man in music doesn't mean that I have to believe this.

Truth #7
Some people can't see the forest through the trees.

Truth #8
Some people use cliches and rarely understand their full meanings.

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