Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I Love Arrested Development

I was never the type of girl who had crushes on television, movie, or music teen idols growing up. I didn't buy BOP or TigerBeat magazines. So, I am not sure how I can explain my new tendency to become a little obsessed with television shows and the people in the television shows.

Right now, I am obsessing over Arrested Development. I had heard about it last fall when so many people were trying to save this show from cancellation. I am not the type of person who can dedicate myself to a television show every week. I catch things in a hit and miss fashion and then, end up missing out on important episodes. So, I just watch the DVDs when they come out.

This show is so funny. I laugh out loud. It is inappropriate and is not politically correct in anyway. Clever and witty. Jason Bateman, some might remember him from the 80's...great then, great now...is the lead character but the show has so many quirky characters. I think I might have a television crush on Jason Bateman. We all should.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know I absolutely love this show. It is one of the funniest shows on TV. I highly recommend that everyone watches it! Every time I watch an episode, I see something new that cracks me up. The performances are fantastic.
