Wednesday, February 08, 2012

It's the Chocolate Chips

If you are like me, just the picture of this chocolate heart-shaped delicacy is enough to put your fragile diet in grave peril.  I pull up to the Dunkin' Donuts and there the donut provokes me and dares me to just order the medium coffee.  I stare down and defeat the donut.  I win that battle. But, can I win the war?  Can I hold out until February 14 when they take that picture down and hopefully, replace it with something that is not sprinkled with chocolate chips?

Tim and I talk all of the time about how we have vices.  Most 'grown-ups' enjoy a little drink here or there, but for us, it is all about the sugar.  Tim likes to get his tingle from soda.  Cold, straight from the can cola.  I take mine in baked good form.  I am on the wagon and trying my very best to hold it together, but that donut might just be my Waterloo.

1 comment:

rhiannon said...

Stay strong Sara! Save your money and buy some new (smaller sized) clothes in a month or two.